Painter Michael Khundiashvili is a acquirer of National
and International Portrait Competitions Awards and Honors
and a Graduate of the acclaimed Academy for Fine Arts in Tbilisi Georgia. His complex are in semiprivate and overt Collections in the Russia, Canada, Israel, Georgia, USA and has been featured in individual political unit publications.
Since 1987 he is a branch of the institute of Arts in the Soviet Union. In 1995 he immigrated to Israel and go a appendage of the Israeli painters and sculptors organization.
A Master of Fine Arts, he has a intoxicating theory in the Eternal Values offered to the artists by the Renaissance, which are:
Custom sources:
Love and Respect for God's Creation, Appreciation of it's Harmony and Beauty lacking alterations.
Necessity of survey for the Knowledge of the Human Anatomy, Perspective, Composition, Painting and Drawing Methods.
A Must of the Drawing Skill, supported on that Knowledge.
The foundation of his painting viewpoint is the move of brilliant drafting skills to secure the integrity of the drawing. Equally cardinal is the building of a propelling and organized step design that invites the onlooker in for mortal search. Each sculpture is thoroughly proposal out and a graph is submitted for esteem until that time the cover is built.
With a wish for to initiate decorous portraits that intercommunicate to many, he searches to bring quiet, moody perspicacity into the existence of the sitter. His exteroception consideration is greatly increased by drawing from existence when latent.
"I quality deeply favored and beholden to God for the payment of painting, the competency to expressed my visions, filings and fantasies on canvas, to share it near others, and the opportunity to harass a occupation I dearly care." - Michael Khundiashvili.